Elliot TurnerPosted on Friday, October 4, 2013 at 10:09AM
I know posting on this blog has been sparse of late, with the occasional promise to write more. That will change starting shortly. Meanwhile, while this blog has been neglected, I have been writing plenty in our commentaries at RGA Investment Advisors. Embedded below is our Q3 2013 Commentary: "Beware of Mistaking a Symptom for the Cause."
Beware of Mistaking a Symptom for the Cause
I know posting on this blog has been sparse of late, with the occasional promise to write more. That will change starting shortly. Meanwhile, while this blog has been neglected, I have been writing plenty in our commentaries at RGA Investment Advisors. Embedded below is our Q3 2013 Commentary: "Beware of Mistaking a Symptom for the Cause."
RGA Investment Advisors Q3 2013 Commentary